Upcoming events.

Corn Husk Doll Workshop
Friday, March 22 at 10 AM, Protect the Tract will be hosting a Corn Husk Doll workshop at the McMaster Museum of Art with Elizabeth Doxtater, the artist behind the work Encircles Everything, on display with the We Remain Certain exhibition.
This is event is free, however, space is limited. Register here!

Acknowledgement: Land, Relations, and Responsibilities
The John Douglas Taylor Conference at McMaster University.
Please join us for a day of presentations and discussions on the significance of Indigenous land history in Southern Ontario and the importance of Haudenosaunee wampum agreements.

We Remain Certain Artist Talk
Please join Protect the Tract and the McMaster Museum of Art for an artist talk featuring Elizabath Doxtater, Greg Staats, and Gadaihǫngwas.
This is a hybrid event - we will be hosting the webinar on Zoom.. There will also be limited seating available at the museum.
Wednesday, March 20th at 2PM

Solidarity Day Unity Jam and Lacrosse Game
Poster for Solidarity Day Unity Jam. Features three musicians singing in a field. Event details are listed below.
Join Protect the Tract, O:se Kenhionhata:tie and the Unity Jam Band this Solidarity Day (June 21st!).
We're hosting a friendly lacrosse game, concert, and vendors in Waterloo Park. This free summer solstice event will celebrate solidarity and unity in honouring the Grand River, upholding Haudenosaunee rights and land stewardship in the Haldimand Tract.
We will be celebrating with O:se Kenhionhata:tie, our friends will be lighting and keeping a fire for the duration of the event.
A friendly lacrosse game will start at 10 AM on the East Field. Players are invited to bring their sticks and play a friendly all ages game. The Unity Jam will take place at the bandshell from noon to 3:30PM.
Folks from Six Nations and surrounding area who would like to attend the event, we will be providing a free shuttle from the Ohsweken Village Plaza, departing at 8:30 AM, please reserve your spot here: https://forms.gle/TBBz8SxyCiGpjZ8y9
VENDORS! Limited space is available for vendors, please register here: https://forms.gle/5PZV5nDkV9cFEJbMA
Everyone is welcome. Please bring your own picnic equipment, lawn chairs, and sun protection.
Nya:weh to Longhouse Labs, CAFKA, and O:se Kenhionhata:tie for supporting this event.

Beading Workshops in K/W
Meet our beadwork artists, see their work, or sign up for a workshop!
Haudenosaunee raised beadwork artists creating our beautiful beaded map will be hosting information booths and workshops in Kitchener/Waterloo between the 17th and 24th.
To register for a workshop, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/fVGUmqGTsf27BFec8