Six Nations of the Grand River
Six Nations of the Grand River is one community Haudenosaunee people call home.
The Haudenosaunee “People of the Longhouse” are a confederacy of nations comprising of the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora nations.
Haudenosaunee territory extends throughout what is now known as Canada and the United States in the Nanfan Treaty area of 1701.
Haudenosaunee People are allies to the British Crown.
Haudenosaunee people settled at Six Nations of the Grand River following the American Revolution.
The Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 set aside the Haldimand Tract - six miles on either side of the Grand River - for our use and enjoyment. Originally nearly a million acres, today, reserve lands are less than 5% of the original Tract at approximately 46,000 acres.
Six Nations of the Grand River is the most populous First Nation in Canada with over 27,000 band members. About half live off-reserve, due in part to limited lands available on-reserve.
Haudenosaunee have maintained our distinct worldview and ceremonial practices despite generations of colonial violence and violations of our rights.
In accordance with our worldview, all matters regarding land are the responsibility of the women. As caretakers and stewards of the land, women play a vital role in governance and decision-making.
Our traditions and cultural knowledge are a sacred inheritance that we have an absolute right to practice. We have the responsibility to protect this inheritance for our future generations.

Through generations of attempted assimilation the nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy have held fast to their cultures and traditions. Today they are expressing their story through their own people with the introduction of HaudenosauneeConfederacy.ca. An excellent resource for students and teachers alike, this website shares cultural information in historical and contemporary contexts through the eyes of the Haudenosaunee. The website will provide a voice for the Haudenosaunee people in new media while providing engaging information to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal audiences. The Haudenosaunee welcome you as you explore the unique culture held close to the hearts of their people.
Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council.
Haudenosaunee Development Institute.
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (‘HCCC’) has legislated the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (‘HDI’) to represent HCCC interests in the development of lands within areas of Haudenosaunee jurisdiction, including but not limited to the land prescribed by the Haldimand Proclamation and the 1701 Treaty Area.
HDI has established and administers a regulatory framework which identifies, registers and regulates development in compliance with a number of regulatory obligations including the
Haudenosaunee Green Plan (‘HGP’) and the Haudenosaunee Development Protocol (‘HDP’).
HDI is also charged with ensuring that the perpetual care and maintenance of the Haudenosaunee is maintained with respect to Haudenosaunee interests.
The Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council is the administrative body of Six Nations of the Grand River, established under the Indian Act in 1924.
Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council.
Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation.
Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) was launched in May 2015 with the mission to achieve economic self-sufficiency without compromising the values of the Six Nations people.
The purpose of SNGRDC is to generate income, outside of the federal funding, to tackle community priorities that affect the Six Nations Community as a whole. This includes improving social conditions, aiding in infrastructure development and creating a healthy & sustainable environment for individuals, families and businesses to thrive.