Take Action
Respect the Tract.
The Haudenosaunee have an absolute right to self-determination in their traditional territories. Stopping unwanted development is critical to establishing meaningful nation-to-nation relationships and achieving reconciliation. Canada, Ontario, municipalities, investors and developers must end the unwanted exploitation of our lands and waters.
Stand with us as we defend our territory from unwanted development.
Discuss and share information about your support for Haudenosaunee land stewardship and sovereignty along the Haldimans Tract.
Ask for accountability from municipal, provincial and federal levels of government on how they will accomodate Haudenosaunee land rights along the Haldimand Tract.
Organize solidarity actions, which may include amplifying the moratorium to developers, investors, and all levels of government.
Join our Haudenosaunee Academic Network.
Protect the Tract is supporting Haudenosaunee scholars in connecting with one another. Together, we can amplify valid community perspectives, support young scholars, and role model accountability to our clans, nations, and communities.
Make a donation.
With your support, we can sustain the work we are doing to advance the moratorium on development and promote Haudenosaunee land stewardship along the Haldimand Tract.